Picture This . ..
Your heart has multiple rooms.
Atriums of ruminations where
internal discussions are vented
and decisions made.
Like a court in session,
some evidence
is heard in chambers
away from prying ears
in the secret place.
Your private classrooms of . . .
Nature clues us as we observe
a cud being chewed,
Ruminating -
Welcome to your Heart!
We have two of them.
One pumps blood,
the other is your life
and is -
read by
Everyone Who Encounters You.

How we see ourselves is distorted by the windows we look at ourselves through. Generally we tend to judge ourselves harder than we should which discolours the overall picture. The important question is how do others see us and in what light?
We are who we are in our heart because that's the real person and this can't be faked. Our responses and reactions to all things are based upon this simple fact.
Heartseachery is a term I use to analyze and describe the responses we make to all things, because a reaction to something is a response. Be it a negative one, matters little in the overall scope of life; it's an indication of what's under the hood.
Once analysed, actions can be taken to work through the issues causing the responses. We may substitute heart surgery in our heads for the word Heartseachery but searching for the issues causing the different responses is the key to changing them.
When someone meets you they encounter a living being which is the heart which keeps you alive. When you open your mouth and speak, they meet who you are in your heart. This is because the mouth speaks from what fills the heart.
# - Have you ever regretted saying something and not been able to retrieve your words and Why?
# - Do you make it a habit of doing Heartseachery to keep analyzing your actions and responses thus engaging the key to changing your life? Would you consider engaging in this habit as you live your life daily?
# - Who do you want people to meet when they are introduced to you and why?